More Leads
More Engagements
More Revenue
Discover, engage and close more customers with
new leads and event triggered leads engagement
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animated introduction
Over 100,000 customers
LinkedIn: Your go-to source for new leads
  • The world's largest network with over 900 million professionals worldwide as potential leads
  • The ONLY network on which professionals regularly update their profile to ensure accuracy
  • Leverage your investment in LinkedIn to discover leads that match your Ideal Customer Profile
  • Leverage your investment in LinkedIn to discover new leads
  • Leads include a LeadLeaper sourced verified business email and phone number
LinkedIn: World's largest source for new leads

LinkedIn Email Finder

  • Employ your LeadLeaper email finder to capture leads from LinkedIn Premium and Sales Navigator
  • Capture leads from LinkedIn Premium
  • Capture leads from Sales Navigator
  • LeadLeaper remembers previously captured leads,
    so there are no duplicates and a lead never counts twice
  • LeadLeaper Linkedin email finder does not modify the appearance or the behavior of your LinkedIn account
  • All leads are data enriched with a verified business email and phone number provided by LeadLeaper
  • LinkedIn free accounts are NOT recommended
LinkedIn Email Finder

Email Finder Virtual Assistant

  • Delegate the time-consuming task of discovering and capturing new leads
  • Trigger engagement workflows that initiate outreach as leads are discovered
  • Effortlessly capture capture multiple pages of new leads
  • Capture multiple pages of new leads
  • Easily start, stop and monitor your Virtual Assistant's activity and progress
  • Requires LinkedIn Premium or Sales Navigator
LinkedIn Email Finder Virtual Assistant

Event-Triggered Engagement Workflows

  • Employ event-triggered, multi-sequence engagement workflows to identify increasingly motivated leads
  • Send 1000's of individually-personalized emails employing your Google Workspace or Office 365 account
  • Monitor engagement effectiveness with real-time overall and individual messaging effectiveness scoring
  • Employ email and sequence templates to easily construct engagement workflows in minutes
Sales Enagagement

Leads Scoring

  • Employ real-time behavioral leads scoring to quickly identify motivated leads
  • Identify motivated leads
  • Employ real-time behavioral lead scoring to quickly identify motivated leads
  • Integrated with engagement workflows to auto-tailor follow-up messagingfollow-ups
  • Scored events are permanently recorded in each lead's profile for easy access
  • Leads scoring is automatically enabled and applied to all leads by default
Leads Scoring

Sales CRM

  • Schedule meetings, record notes, log calls, monitor emails sent, links viewed and email replies
  • Provides a full record of all lead activity and correspondence, including that by team members
  • Includes lead job change detection with updated business email and phone number
  • Includes lead job change detection with updated business email and phone
Sales CRM
IBM Ebay Amazon Salesforce Oracle Cisco Sony Stripe Dropbox Intuit HP Autodesk Zoom DHL Uber Netflix Slack Costco Walmart SAP
IBM Ebay Amazon Salesforce Oracle Cisco Sony Stripe Dropbox Intuit HP Autodesk Zoom DHL Uber Netflix Slack Costco Walmart SAP
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